

On the Road by Bike

Ride along the historic and well developed cycle tracks to explore our home region.
Our colleagues from Churfranken help you find the ideal tour with their  interactive map with lots of ideas for round tours which can be managed in one day.

The bike tracks, especially along the Main River and its tributaries Erf and Mud (pronounced “mood”), are well developed, have hardly any elevation, and take you through fabulous landscapes and cozy villages.

Needless to say, that also roller blades or inline skates may be used along these bike tracks, skating smoothly on the tarmac; of course, be well equipped with protectors and a helmet. Enjoy your journey through fields and meadows, and the views of surrounding rolling hills.

For tours of our immediate surroundings you may consider the following suggestions (also suitable for children):

Due to the ongoing drought, the risk of wildfires in the forests and meadows of Odenwald and Spessart is high! Please refrain from smoking or lighting any other kind of fire when you are outdoors!

For everyone with good manners, it goes without saying that you do not leave behind any kind of garbage in any kind of weather – and currently this refers especially to all types of glass or tins/cans which may have the same effect as a burning glass. 

Please do not park any motorized vehicles on dry grass as the hot catalytic converters or exhaust pipes may light it. Please park your vehicle in such a way that fire fighters and rescue vehicles always have enough space to pass you by. 

From Bürgstadt upstream the Erf River

Die Alte Erfbrücke in Bürgstadt

Riding from Bürgstadt along the Erf River, you will pass Eichenbühl and Riedern before you reach Hardheim (25 km / 16 mi). This track is part of the Erf River Valley and Mills Cycling track.
Along this route public transport does not allow you to take on bicycles. Please pace yourself accordingly!

From Miltenberg upstream the Mud River

Die Abteikirche in Amorbach von außen

If you start from Miltenberg and want to cycle along the small River Mud (pronounced “mood”), you take the so-called Limes-Cycle path, which here is congruent with the 3-Bundesland-Cycle-Path. After about 10 km / 6.25 mi, you reach the adorable Amorbach, or after about 30 km / 18.75 mi, the pilgrimage site Walldürn. Please note, that about halfway along this trip, close to Schneeberg, you have to cope with some elevations. Along this path, there is a train track, so that you can easily return to your origin by train.

On weekends in summer there is also the NaTourBus, a scheduled bus with a big bike trailer running between Miltenberg and Amorbach (and onward to Michelstadt).

From Miltenberg upstream the Main River

From Miltenberg up the Main River, the mountain sides of Odenwald and Spessart flank the river closely. You ride along the forest edge and enjoy the impressive views of numerous abandoned quarries. This cycle path proceeds only along one side of the Main River, called the Main-Radweg. You cross only one bridge which is between Freudenberg and Kirschfurt. After about 30 km / 18.75 mi you reach Wertheim. Along this route there is a direct train track which allows you to return to your starting point.

Downstream the Main River by Bike

Riding downstream from Miltenberg, the Main River Valley opens and enlarges, and you ride through meadows, fields, and vineyards. Now you find a cycle path on both sides of the river: the official River Main Cycling path and some local cycling tracks. After about 40 km / 25 mi, you reach Aschaffenburg. Along this path, there is a train track, so it is no problem to return to your origin from several points along your way, without changing trains.