
Jewish Life in DREI AM MAIN

Really early in its history, Miltenberg had a Jewish community which was large enough to maintain its own synagogue and mikvah. For centuries, the Jewish chronicles show a persistent range of going back and forth from being welcome, respected citizens to being persecuted scapegoats.

In the 20th century, the gruesome efficiency of the National Socialists’ extermination machinery led to the sad fact that since then there has not been a Jewish community in Miltenberg.


Throughout the years 2016, 2017, and 2018, a total of 44 Stolpersteine (lit. Stumbling Stones) were laid to commemorate the Jewish and their descending fellow citizens who had been deported and murdered or driven to death by the Nazis. A more detailed description of the project and names, plus biographies of the victims (in German only), can be found here.

DenkOrt Deportationen 1941 – 1944 (Deportation Memorial Site)

Since 2020 there has been an additional, decentralized memorial site in Lower Franconia for all the victims of National Socialism:

In Wurzburg, in front of the central railway station, and at the Aumühle, you can find the most various items of luggage: suitcases, rolled-up blankets, backpacks, and similar things made from stone, metal, wood, or other materials. They symbolize the few belongings people were able to take with them when being deported.

The exact counterpart of each one of these items is displayed in every town from where people were deported. In Miltenberg, you can find a suitcase made from red sandstone, and in Kleinheubach a rolled-up blanket, also made from red sandstone. A more detailed description of this project can be found here.

1700 Jahre jüdisches Leben in Deutschland

Das Jahr 2021 war das Jubiläumsjahr „1700 Jahre jüdisches Leben in Deutschland“. Im Jahr 321 wurde erstmalig eine jüdische Gemeinde auf deutschem Boden schriftlich erwähnt. 

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