
Music, Theatre and Arts

In DREI AM MAIN the cultural program caters for all tastes!

The numerous events all year round have something for every lover of culture. Why not take a look at our event calendar? Some of our highlights – or better: insiders’ tips? – are also revealed here…


The STADTKULTUR Miltenberg (cultural department of Miltenberg) offers different kinds of cultural events throughout the year.

Often, they take place in the very special ambience inside the Old City Hall of Miltenberg.

Tickets can be purchased via the ticket-shop.

Sylvia Ackermann’s Claviersalon Miltenberg e.V. has become an important part of the Miltenberg music scene.

The Claviersalon Miltenberg contains an important collection of valuable historic keyboard instruments, including a unique stock of early fortepianos.

In addition to various concerts, the Claviersalon Miltenberg also offers a number of educational classes. In small groups, you can work with musicians, musicologists, and conservators in a relaxed atmosphere.

Claviersalon Miltenberg e.V.
Sylvia Ackermann
Haupstraße 52
63897 Miltenberg
Tel. +49(0)9371-959786

Between the months of May and September, you can expect an outstanding highlight inside our catholic church St. James located at the historic market square in Miltenberg. Every Saturday, the city parish, and the catholic city- and deanery cantorate would like to invite you at 11.30 am for a half hour matinée, or for an event called “Music and Word”. Free admission, offertory welcome. During the Bavarian school holidays an August and early September there are no concerts. 

In addition, there are further organ-, choir-, or orchestral concerts.

Check for further information on current events, and additional church music events:

Katholisches Stadt- und Dekanatskantorat Miltenberg
– Jakobusmusik –
Michael Bailer
Pfarrgasse 2
63897 Miltenberg
Tel. +49(0)9371-6500996

The “Kultursommer” (“summer of culture”) takes place in the yard of the Mildenburg castle from late July to the first Sunday in August. 

Numerous different concerts from chamber music to rock, from brass music to song writers, but also literary readings and a poetry slam cater for all tastes. There is always something for everyone. 

The amazing backdrop of the castle yard thrills artists and audience alike.

In rainy weather some of the events take place in the “Old Town Hall”.


The performances in our local “Liqueur Theater”, the annual guest performance of the theatre company “theaterachse Salzburg” in the inner ward of the Mildenburg castle as well as a number of irregular performances attract and intrigue an enthusiastic audience from near and far. 

All performances and the movies in the cinema are in German only. For further information please see our German pages

Riesenrad und Kettenkarussell auf der Michaelismesse Miltenberg

Event Calendar

Miltenberg does not only stand out with its medieval old town showing half-timbered houses, romantic alleys, and hidden corners.

With its lively urban culture, it also provides a quite spirited, vibrant “young” middle age ambiance.


For a long time, the Mildenburg castle could only be admired from the outside. After some considerable renovations, the inside now hosts an additional municipal museum. Modern and contemporary art engage into a dynamic dialogue with historic, orthodox icons. Just like the rooms of the castle offer an extensive view far across the country, the pieces of art invite you to take a view across the limitations of life and the world. The artists’ spiritual incentive to cross these limitations inspire the visitors to broaden their own views and grasp the unique dimension of the museum. 

The collection of Romanian reverse glass icons (donated by Dr. Joachim and Marianne Nentwig) is unparalleled throughout Germany. The artworks of modern and contemporary art (i.a. a collection by Dr. Jürgen Lenssen) comprise well-known artists such as Barlach, Beuys, Fräger, Lange, Lehnen, Morgner, Pechstein, Polke, Stötzer, Stoltz and Willikens.

Information on the history of the Mildenburg and a 360° panoramic view are available on the website of the Burglandschaft Spessart and Odenwald.

Opening hours:
16th March to 1st November
Tue – Sun 11.00 am – 5:00 pm

Unfortunately there is no vehicle access to the Mildenburg.

Museum Burg Miltenberg
Conradyweg 20
63897 Miltenberg
Tel. +49(0)9371-668504

The Gallery owner Cornelia König-Becker is convinced that even away from agglomerations and metropolitan areas, art can set a fresh accent.

An active exchange and a network with friendly mutual contact has been established in cooperation with towns and schools, the district administration, associations and art initiatives and especially through her exhibitions in the gallery in Amorbach. 

The gallery-concept in a nutshell:
Cornelia König-Becker loves art of all kinds of different eras and genres – the world of art is so abundant.
Exhibitions in the “Galerie am Tor” (“Gallery at the Gate”) display contemporary art and art referring to the issues of our time or traditional subjects of art history.

The gallery combines works of local artists with those of national and international renown. Theme-based or group exhibitions in the “Gallery at the Gate” always show the variety of art, recount the diversity of life.

The exhibitions are usually accompanied by music events, concerts, presentations, lectures, convivial or informative get-togethers which are intended to create a culturally inspiring and entertaining venue.

Opening hours:
Fri – Sun 2:00 pm – 6:00  pm and by appointment

Galerie am Tor
Cornelia König-Becker
Hauptstraße 4
63897 Miltenberg
Tel. +49(0)174-9744316

Armin Neuberger sketches buildings and streets in the Miltenberg region with great enthusiasm.

Outside, often huddled to a wall or the side of a house, he seems to blend in with his surroundings entering a world far away from the daily grind and then sketches. He says that sketching in day-to-day life decelerates. You forget the time, perceive your surroundings intensely, and might have unforgettable encounters. You could say that Urban Sketching is sustainable, because you remember all these details when looking at your sketch. It is a wonderful feeling, he says, and it would make him happy if many people felt inspired.

You can find his sketches on Facebook at where he also publishes a short-term drawing schedule. He appreciates everyone joining him spontaneously. Just come by and take part.

If you don’t have a Facebook account, you can also find him on

Are you a group of 3 – 5 people and want to learn the basics of sketching? Feel free to send your request to